Carpet cleaning equipment repair
If your equipment isn't functioning at optimal levels then you are loosing money, period. Here at PCCS we understand that any cleaning professional wants to protect their business investments with regular servicing and maintenance performed by highly trained and knowledgeable technicians. If we sell it, we service it! Our service technicians can design custom install packages for new equipment in addition to coaxing the maximum amount of hours out of your older pieces of equipment. Be sure to call ahead as these services require appointments.
Equipment failure is in the same ballpark as broken femurs, trips to the DMV on a busy day, and piping hot coffee dumped right in your lap. If, on the first job of the day, your hydroforce kicks the bucket on you, or your machine starts spitting water out of the exhaust, or your dehu displays an error code you've never seen before, the probability of having a profitable day drops off real quick! That is, unless you come straight to PCCS.
We have been very selective in employing only the most highly qualified individuals with many years of experience to do damage control when you need it most! We know how hard you work, and we're here to keep you going.