Vinegar and water to clean Carpet stains
Regardless of whether you own a dog or a cat, Genesis 950 is the best pet stain remover you will find. There are several other methods often suggested for cleaning. All too often, while the suggestions for removing pet stains are made in good faith, there are many issues with recommendations made. Vinegar, enzymes and household cleaners are widely recommended, however they are not always effective.
Here's why:
Vinegar - Vinegar is one of the most widely recommended agents for cleaning pet stains. While it is in fact a good, natural cleaner, it should NEVER be used for pet stains. Vinegar is a natural acid with a pH balance of 2. The acidity does help it break down stains. The problem however with pet owners is that same acidic base which can break down stains. While vinegar has a pH level of 2, urine has a pH balance of 6. Both cats and dogs urinate where they smell they have gone before. This is obvious when a dog is taken outside and he sniffs out a spot to do his business. Or, if on a walk, your dog sniffs a spot then marks on it. Dogs do this because they can smell the acidity of their own, or another dog's urine. Cats do the same thing in a litter box. The odor of their urine, or odor added to the litter leads them to that spot. In the event that a pet is going to the bathroom in the chances, chances are it is in the same spot, or general area. This typically has less to do with training, and more so with the fact the smell the acidity of their urine. They will keep going to that spot unless it is properly cleaned. A vinegar cleaning will not remove that odor. Instead, you are simply enhancing it by adding another compound with a similar acidic base.
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Enzymes - Enzymes are hailed for their natural ability to break down stains. Enzymes are everywhere. The human body has them as well. The most notable are enzymes in the digestive system. These enzymes break down food to help the digestive process. Enzymes in the stomach react to food being ingested. While they can break down food, they don't break down the stomach lining. Enzymes perform specific tasks based on their function. This is important to understand. Enzymes will only work properly if they are in the right environment to perform. This holds true with pet stains. Enzymatic cleaners might be able to clean partial portions of pet stains, but they can not completely remove them because of variations in the environment. The diet of the pet, room temperature, previously exposed chemicals on the area being cleaning, expiration date of the enzyme and so on impact an enzyme's ability to function. Nor do enzymes contain the ability to remove the odor. They do not kill the bacteria that causes the odor. In fact, many people will notice odors returning after a few days. Sometimes, worse than it had previously been.
Household Cleaners - There are all sorts of problems using these types of cleaners. Some are notorious for discoloring carpet and creating an orange/pink tint to your carpet. Others might mask the odor briefly but not actually remove the stain or smell permanently. Soap based cleaners actually make the stains worse as the soaps attract more dirt and grime to the area. These types of cleaners leave behind a grayish tint.
Genesis 950 cleans the area. It does so safely and effectively. Genesis 950 can be used as a spot cleaner or in a carpet cleaning machine. For deep or old stains, it is recommended to use the mixture of Genesis 950 and water in a carpet cleaning machine. For urine based stains, the stain can extend below the surface and into the padding. When pet stains are in the padding, the odor will remain in your carpet until it is thoroughly cleaned. If it is not properly cleaned, you pet may continue to go in that spot, or odors will linger and be enhanced.
Genesis 950 when used in a steam cleaner is your best option. Genesis 950 comes in concentrate form. It must be mixed with water for it to become active. Most home machines have 2 compartments for cleaning. One holds water, and the other solution. This makes mixing very easy. The solution compartment was simply filled with the concentrated Genesis 950 and the water compartment filled with water. The machine automatically mixes the two for you on it's own. With the machine, the mixture of Genesis 950 and water was able to be introduced to the carpet. Once the carpet absorbed the mixture, it began to break down the stains, disinfect the carpet, and remove the odor. The area was allowed to site for a few minutes, then rinsed. After rinsing, the carpet looked and smelled like new. Years of stains and the struggles in removing them were all gone!
Genesis 950 is also perfect as a spot cleaner. This is best advised for stains which do not go below the surface of the carpet. It is perfect for vomit stains. These types of stains might not go into the padding to cause odor issues, but they can cause severe discoloration. The reason for this is primarily from dye in pet food. This dye can cause harmful stains, especially on a white carpet! When using as a spot cleaner, it is best to remove any debris from the area, then spray with the mixture of Genesis 950 and water. While the recommended ratio is 1 part Genesis 950 to 7 parts water, this can be increased all the way to a 50/50 mix depending on the severity of the stain. Spray the mixture onto the stain, allow it to sit for a few minutes, then rinse clean.