Non-Toxic Carpet Cleaning solutions
Cleaning your carpet with non-toxic solutions eases allergy and asthma symptoms.
In many homes, carpets cover nearly every area of the house. Because of its prevalence, carpeting should be cleaned with eco-friendly non-toxic solutions to prevent potential health problems and environmental contamination from chemical-based products. Nontoxic carpet cleaners effectively attack dirt in the carpets without introducing noxious chemicals into your home. You can choose from many non-toxic options for both spot removal and full-carpet cleaning.
Types of Carpet Cleaners
Two types of cleaners keep your carpet in good condition: spot cleaners and carpet cleaners. Spot cleaners treat small areas of carpet as a stain remover. Spot cleaners or stain removers for carpets are also generally referred to as carpet cleaners, which can cause some confusion. Shampoos and dry cleaners clean the whole carpet for appearance and allergen-reduction.
Commercial Carpet Cleaners
The number of non-toxic carpet cleaning solutions on the market can make it difficult to distinguish among them. Consumers should also be on the lookout for "green-washing, " which occurs when a company claims a product is non-toxic and eco-friendly but is actually not. To assist you in your search for non-toxic carpet cleaners, look for products with a seal of approval from the Carpet and Rug Institute, a science-based industry regulator for environmental and consumer advocacy. The Green Good Housekeeping Seal also covers non-toxic carpet cleaners (see Reference 3).
Homemade Spot Cleaners
You can make non-toxic carpet cleaning solution with many common household ingredients. Homemade non-toxic spot cleaners include various combinations of vegetable soap, white vinegar, baking soda, water and essential oils. Vinegar-based solutions are particularly effective on wine and coffee stains. Vegetable soap solutions work well on oil-based stains, such as lipstick, grease and food stains.
Homemade Full-Carpet Cleaners
A dry non-toxic carpet cleaner can be as simple as sprinkling corn meal or baking soda with an optional 20 to 30 drops of your favorite essential oil over the carpet and vacuuming it up after a few minutes to deodorize and quickly clean. Non-toxic full carpet liquid cleaning solutions are best kept water-based with a softener like borax or baking soda for a gentle cleaning. Steam cleaning with a vinegar-water solution is also effective for deodorizing while still gently lifting stains.
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