What s Your Carpet Cleaning Guarantee? | J&S Steamway

Carpet Cleaning Guarantee

Carpet Cleaning / June 19, 2023

Our Best Carpet Cleaner Guarantee is proof of COIT's trust and commitment to our customers: The Guarantee Consists of 4Rs: COIT guarantees to perform all cleaning services to your complete satisfaction at the agreed upon price. If you are not completely satisfied, COIT will:

  • RECLEAN any areas or items to your satisfaction. If you are still not satisfied, COIT will...
  • REFUND your money paid for the service. And if COIT caused any damage while performing cleaning services, COIT will...
  • REPAIR the damage at its expense. Or if the item cannot be repaired, COIT will...
  • RECTIFY the problem by crediting you with the item's present actual cash value* toward a like replacement from a COIT source (upon payment of cleaning services rendered).

Restoration Guarantee If you are not completely happy with our restoration services, COIT will:

  • RE-SERVICE the scope areas to your satisfaction.
  • RETURN TO PRE-LOSS CONDITION - If we fail to meet the scope as estimated, we will credit you with the item's present actual cash value* toward a like replacement from a COIT source (upon complete payment of services rendered including the deductible).
  • REPAIR any damage caused by COIT that is outside the requirements of executing the scope.

Source: www.coit.com