Carpet Cleaning Drying Time
Ust-cleaned carpet should dry within six to eight hours or less, and should never stay damp more than 24 hours, or microbial growth and may occur.
Slow-drying carpet may have had too much cleaning solution applied and not enough removed or extracted; or it may simply be a matter of humid-air conditions in the area cleaned. [Note: Ad or content links featured on this page are not necessarily affiliated with (The cleantrust) and should not be considered a recommendation or endorsement by (The cleantrust)].
Carpet cleaning machines - and operators - vary in their ability to control wetting, to properly extract solution and soil, and to implement drying procedures both during and after cleaning. The evaluates equipment to determine how well it cleans and removes moisture (see cleantrust-Certified Firms provide technicians with on-going education and training in effective carpet cleaning and drying, which leads to certification for technicians.
High velocity blowers or fans speed drying by promoting rapid evaporation. Operating ceiling or vent fans, and setting the heating, and air conditioning (HVAC) system on moderate temperatures (typically 72-75°F), also helps dry carpet relatively quickly.
What is the Standard Drying Time When Carpet is Cleaned?: Created on May 16th, 2008. Last Modified on January 21st, 2014
The Institute of Inspection, Cleaning and Restoration Certification (IICRC) is a certification and standard-setting nonprofit organization for the inspection, cleaning and restoration industries. The IICRC serves the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Australia and Japan, in partnership with regional and international trade associations.
The mission of IICRC is to identify and promote an international standard of care that establishes and maintains the health, safety and welfare of the built environment.
The IICRC, with industry-wide participation, certifies - and develops certifications and standards for - inspection, cleaning and restoration. The IICRC also serves as a valuable consumer referral source for IICRC-Certified technicians and firms. There are currently more than 53, 000 active IICRC-Certified technicians, many with multiple certifications, and more than 6, 000 IICRC-Certified Firms around the world.
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