Carpet Cleaning Company names
Protect your cleaning service by carrying insurance and a bond.
George Doyle & Ciaran Griffin/Stockbyte/Getty Images
The main task to focus on when starting a cleaning company is the business of securing clients. You have a bit of a challenge on your hands, being that the top 50 cleaning companies already take up 30 percent of clients in the U.S., according to First Research, a market analysis company run by Hoover's Inc. So get the small details, like choosing your business name, out of the way as soon as possible. Remember that the name you choose will become a key element of your overall marketing plan. Start brainstorming ideas based on common perceptions or requirements that clients have when it comes to hiring a cleaning company.
Rhyming Name
Make sure your potential and existing clients can recall your cleaning business name quickly. A catchy name that rhymes is one option to consider when choosing a name for your cleaning company. Use a short descriptive phrase with about two or three words and try to include the word “clean” or a synonym in the company name. For example, “We Mean Clean” and “The Cleaning Machine” are catchy, rhyming names that describe a cleaning business and are easy to recall.
That Guy Or That Girl
You might find success with a very informal, light-hearted and simple name for a cleaning business. Consider starting the name off with the phrase "That Guy (or Girl) With" then finish the phrase with the name of the cleaning tool, like a broom, vacuum or buffing machine. For example, "That Guy With a Vacuum" may cause the potential client to picture a cleaning professional at work with a vacuum while giving him the idea that you are fun and easy to work with as well. Match your logo with the business name.
Residential Or Commercial
Another idea is to narrow down your cleaning business' specific focus by adding “residential” or "commercial" to the name. For instance, "Abbey’s Commercial Cleaning Company" indicates that this is a company that specializes in office buildings and other commercial locations. When a potential business customer searches through the Yellow Pages for office cleaning services, seeing the word "commercial" in your name may set your cleaning company apart from others. The same is true for an individual who wants to ensure that your company provides residential cleaning services before calling.