Carpet professional Cleaning
Customers deserve professionalism wherever they go, be it the movie theater, grocery store, or car wash. They are especially entitled to it when anyone comes to their home to perform a service, and we here at Oxi Fresh do everything we can to respect that. For us, being a professional carpet cleaning company is of the utmost importance, both at the appointment and away from it.
Professional carpet cleaning at the appointment shows itself in many ways. It starts, of course, with our technicians. As professional carpet cleaners, they’re required to wear a clean, neat uniform and to keep their vehicle and equipment tidy. Our professional carpet cleaners have to be courteous and will do what they can to respect your needs and wishes throughout the appointment. Equally important to our professional carpet cleaning services is educating our customers on both our methods and the advantages our system can offer.
Our commitment to professional carpet cleaning isn’t limited to the appointment, but instead extends throughout all levels of the company. Our franchisees work diligently to train their employees to reach our high standards, often doing this while providing professional carpet cleaning services themselves. At the Home Office, our Scheduling Center is full of customer service representatives, trained to answer questions about our methods, make helpful suggestions, and get you the best appointment time.
You see, at Oxi Fresh we are a professional carpet cleaning company from the moment you pick up our coupon to when you say goodbye to our technicians. After all, you don’t deserve anything less than to have your carpet professionally cleaned by the very best.
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