Host Dry Carpet Cleaning Reviews
HOST, Fragrance Free, and HOST SJ are soft, natural products consisting of millions of absorbent sponges. These unique engineered "sponges" are moistened with specific amount of water and 100% plant-based ingredients. HOST contains and controls all the necessary liquids to dissolve both water soluble and solvent soluble soil.
The HOST SPONGES do a double duty job. First, they carry the liquid cleaning agents to the fibers in a controlled way. Second, they loosen, absorb and hold the soil in control for extraction by vacuuming. With the HOST Dry Extraction Carpet Cleaning System you are in total control of the cleaning chemicals and soil at all times.
How does it work?
The HOST Machine brushes the moist SPONGES up, down, over and around the carpet fibers so they contact all surfaces of the soiled fibers, breaking the oil bond and wiping the soil away. This action is similar to a moist sponge used to wipe up spills in the kitchen or soil from a wall. Carpet pile is a vertical surface much like a wall. When liquid is applied, gravity pulls any excess moisture down into the carpet toward the backing.
When you use HOST you don’t lose control of the moisture and soil. In addition to absorbing the soil, the HOST SPONGES hold that soil until it is removed by vacuuming.
Carpets do not resoil as quickly as when cleaned with wet methods because there is no sticky residue to grab and hold fresh soil. Because the HOST System does not contribute to resoiling, regular, frequent vacuuming helps to keep the carpet cleaner longer.
Will HOST "deep clean"?
The unique design makes the HOST Machines ideal for deep cleaning carpets. Carpet is manufactured in straight rows of upright carpet yarns. This is similar to millions of individual, vertical surfaces. The brushes of the HOST Machine turn toward each other in a vertical direction, the same direction as the carpet yarns. This makes it possible for the brushes to get into the carpet pile and work the HOST SPONGES in, around and through the carpet yarns, deep cleaning the carpet.
A side benefit is effective pile lifting and restoration. So if the carpet is dirty right to the backing, the HOST Machine can work the HOST SPONGES deep into the carpet. The SPONGES Cleaner then dissolves and absorbs the soil and is removed during the vacuuming procedure.
The HOST eVAC improves on the ability to deep clean because of its superior vacuuming ability. In heavily soiled areas, power vacuum the area before applying HOST and this will help you to achieve better results.
Is HOST only a carpet maintenance product?
No. The HOST System can be used for total carpet care which includes regular carpet maintenance, as well as carpet cleaning and restoration cleaning.
While it is true that the most efficient way to use the HOST System is as a maintenance tool, its unique qualities make it possible for HOST to clean very dirty carpet in a controlled manner. Often the carpet has been “uglied out” due to improper or careless wet cleaning techniques. HOST is an ideal way to restore these carpets and prepare them for regular, ongoing carpet maintenance.
In order to effectively maintain a carpet, it is necessary to use a system of cleaning that removes the soil from the carpet before it can build up and spread. This is why in a maintenance program it is important to concentrate your cleaning and vacuuming efforts in the areas where people walk.
The HOST System dissolves, absorbs and then extracts the soil from the carpeting. Since HOST uses a controlled amount of moisture, it is easy to blend into the surrounding clean carpet during maintenance cleaning. So when the cleaning procedure is complete, the entire carpet, wall-to-wall, looks clean because it is clean.
What is PREP Traffic Lane Booster for?
PREP Traffic Lane Booster is to be used with HOST in those very difficult areas that resist cleaning. It is a powerful cleaning booster containing professional strength detergents and penetrating solvents which combine to help break surface tension and emulsify excess oil film which binds dirt to carpet fibers.
PREP Traffic Lane Booster puts extra cleaning power just where you need it; entryways from parking lots, doorways to restaurant kitchens, on hard-to-clean spills such as medicine, thick, greasy food, etc. It is, however, meant to be used sparingly, only in a light mist. PREP is not the cleaner, HOST is.
Why will the HOST System take out a spot so it will not come back?
First, it is important to understand why some spots reappear. When liquid is used in an uncontrolled manner to remove spots from the carpet, it can dissolve the spot and cause it to run to the base of the carpet. This is because of the vertical nature of carpeting. Gravity will take the dissolved soil and spots, and pull them toward the bottom of the carpeting. During the evaporation process, the dissolved spot is drawn up the sides of the carpet yarn and eventually reappears on the surface.
HOST cleans in a controlled manner. It contains just the right amount of moisture to dissolve the soil or spot but not enough to cause it to run down the sides of the carpet yarn. As soon as the soil is dissolved, it is absorbed by the HOST SPONGES. Since none of the dissolved spot has the opportunity to run to the base of the carpet, there isn’t anything there to wick back to the surface. That’s why when you clean a spot with the HOST System, it will not come back.
Is HOST safe?
HOST is not an eye irritant, not a primary skin irritant. It is also nontoxic by oral ingestion or by inhalation. However, some people with unusual skin sensitivity should protect their hands and arms from direct contact with the product. Also some people with respiratory problems should avoid using HOST in unventilated or confined areas. By and large, for the general population, it is a safe product to use.
Can I be allergic to HOST Cleaner?
While HOST is a safe product to use and conforms to the standards of the Consumer Product Safety Commission, there is a possibility that some people may be allergic to an ingredient in the product.